
Critics: ASA-P from Asahi Shimbun

I want to be a Vocaloid P! I get nauseous when I see features like that. You can be whatever you want to be. Although I do wish guys like "ASA-P" would go fuck themselves.

What is the definition of Vocaloid-P? Various opinions came flying out in twitter in Japanese. All of those are correct because the background is also vary. However, ASA-P is wrong perhaps because his background is not CGM culture. He is from Mass Media. 

The Asahi Shimbun is extreme left‐wing media in Japan. Sometimes this company publishes fabricated stories. We shouldn't trust them without holding something with our hand. This company is anachronistically Mass-oriented media. 

Moreover, ASA-P is a bystander of times. His position is like James George Frazer. I look down on him because his attitude is as if an Armchair Anthropologist. They critics need Participant observation, but they are nonsense because of lack of ability.

We need ”synchronicity” rather than philosophical definitions. Depending on the time and situation, the situation and definition changes every year, every decades. However, synchronicity is never change. 

cf. synchronicity 「共時性」


ボカロPになりたい! ああいう特集を見ると吐き気がします。なりたいものになればいい。「朝P」のような人たちにはさっさとくたばってほしいですけどね。



