
From Japan to ..

 As you know, a member of Diet is just a performer in Japan. Lost Vanity Fair in the UK have been continued on playing by ministers of Japan. Please don't be deceived by the performance by the members of Diet.

 Ordinary Japanese do not go to the Yasukuni Shrine. In fact, Yasukuni is one of the never ending story for grown-ups. We know that and we aren't concerned with WW2 because we weren't born in 1945.

 That performer's effectiveness, however, have been decreasing than that before. Sadly, the alternative is bureaucrats behind them. Here, bureaucrats write a bill. Once they propose the bill,it was introduced or passed or rejected on the Diet. To control effectively, the balance between the two peaks are important.

 I love the U.S.A. , Singapore, China, the U.K. and also Korea. But annoying claims are often occured by someone such as minorities, a Diet member and mass media excessively.


A declining industry called Shizuoka

 It's a pity that Shizuoka prefecture kills youth.

 Nowadays more and more people move to Tokyo from Shizuoka because Shizuoka is not attractive from a comprehensive aspect.  According to a local newspaper of Shizuoka, it have been trend on depopulating for recent 5 years.

人口減、静岡ワースト3位 総務省動態調査

 The suburbs of Japan have been tend to leak their population rapidly after the big earthquake hit us. There are several reasons for depopulation such as culture, poverty and job problems. Not only Shizuoka but also Akita has decreased their population rapidly. Shizuoka has something in common with Akita. Their personalities are also gloomy and damp.

 Secondly, Shizuoka is very superstitious regions. For example, both school bullying and corporal punishment are forced by their teacher.

 We cannot overcome these issues.


Poverty dulls the wit

 It is said that "Poverty dulls the wit." I totally agree with this word of wisdom.

 Most Japanese pay too much attention to what other people think. I am Japanese, and I also had thought so. Now I can't afford to care a bit what people would say of me. Given general attitudes today, it doesn't look good to be past 30 and still not have a job. People actually have reacted in various ways to hear that. But that's the way the cookie crumbles.

 By the way, some Japanese scholars and socialists mistakenly believe that people in poverty feel jealous for the rich person including scholars themselves. That is totally wrong. As long as they work effectively we are not upset so.

 I estimate that the poor people do not envy others. The only thing I should do is to study something. To solve the prejudice which is not based on reason or actual experience, I'm going to test my hypothesis.

 Recently I feel that living a better life is easy in my future. In fact I have avoided thinking about my future as long as I could. At the same time, I have continue to study.

 The result will be obviously. Needless to say, my daily study is very hard. Then my brain is partly going mad.

 Poverty dulls the wit, however, it's getting better.



